My advert at ePenpals and the tremendous Success it has had!
From day one of its publication I have been inundated by replies from males showing their infatuation with me. They have admitted that by looking at my profile photo they have fallen for me and for some, they would spend hours looking at it. Some others have been more audacious and they have repeatedly asked me if they could be invited and enjoy my beauty in my own home.
Every morning my ePenpals inbox gets full with messages namely from Arab countries and Western Europe. Others message me from the US and Canada and a few from Australia. They all wanted to visit Tunisia and asked if they could have sexy fun with me.
As a good and sincere wife, I have decided to share all of these with my husband who instead of feeling jealous he has expressed his consent that I could invite those whom I like to come and stay at our guest apartment for a week or so.
In the meantime, he added, I could get to know them better and who knows what the future holds. I have always known my husband as being 100% genuine and he means every word he says. I therefore acted on his advice and started thinking of a male to be my first ePenpals visitor.
My husband didn’t make any objection and offered to be away on a business trip when my male guest decided to come at my invitation. He in all fair play suggested that my guest and I could use our marital bedroom for all the duration of his stay. I felt so happy that a mere advert for friendship at ePenpals has led to such a romance blessed by my own husband.
At this stage, I thought I was having second thoughts, as in fact, my husband was. I asked him if he still wanted me to go ahead, hoping in a way he would say no, as it would then absolve me from making any further decision myself.
This was a worrying period we had a good marriage and I did not want to do anything that might sour things between us in any way whatsoever. At the same time, my husband’s performance in bed has started to wane and I thought a new male in our marriage life could help my husband to improve his sexual potency.
I deeply felt that I should take a break and put down my impending plans till later. Yet, given the abundance of replies, I have one evening asked him to take a look at my ePenpals inbox. After reading the replies and realizing that these men all wanted sex with me he admitted that was, naturally, very stimulating to him and without hesitation he urged me to go ahead with my initial plan to have that male visit and stay with me for over a week while my husband is away on a business trip.
I could hardly wait for my ePenpals male friend to come down and stay with me. His response was quick and came to me that very evening while I was in bed with my husband. I read the message aloud so that we could both agree on the date of his visit.
According to my friend’s suggestion, he would be ready for a ten-day stay starting the coming weekend. That meant my husband had to leave on his business trip in two days’ time. I was so enthusiastic about the visit that I soon started helping my husband to leave.
If you wish to know about what has happened during my ePenpals friend’s ten days visit, I will share the full details with you at your request.
- 14 Sep, 2023
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