My close Relationship with Uncle Moha, an aPenpals friend!
At my Uncle Moha’s home
We arrived at Fouad’s Uncle’s in the early evening. I introduced myself as Mimi the wife of Bengy, who had been Belgacem’s friend for many years. I also added that I had been his brother’s close lady companion for a long time and that at his brother’s invitation both Bengy (my husband) and I had visited Tripoli and he himself may have met us.
Uncle Moha cut me short saying,
“Of course, we’ve met before. Belgacem, Bless his soul, used to speak highly of you and your husband while visiting your home in Sfax.
“I’ve often told Belgacem that you like him and asked him to bring you around to Sfax,” I said.
“Hey, Mimi. This will be your home away from home. You can stay with me and Aycha as long as you wish,” Moha added.
“Thank you, Uncle!” I answered.
Mahomet (That was Fouad’s uncle’s name) was delighted to meet Mimi. He assured me that I didn’t have to worry about the remaining weeks of my holiday. He’d be in charge of everything till Bengy, Mimi’s husband, would come over.
I also felt a kind of relief at Fouad’s departure as his sense of infidelity and feelings of guilt have been on my mind and heart in the last few days. I am now glad that he’d gone back to his young wife and kids.I feel much better in the care of Uncle Moha. I am sure he would serve my needs much, much better than what his nephew has done so far!
My extramarital sexual affair with deceased lover’s brother
It was my second day at my deceased lover’s brother’s. I was feeling pretty good. This ia a letter I sent my husband in Tunisia:
“My dearest Bengy! I am still recovering from a cold which I caught. Fouad took me to his uncle’s home in Tripoli and I am writing this while I am still there. I am sorry to say that Fouad couldn’t stand the feelings of guilt he endured while having sex with me and decided to end our relationship hoping that his uncle would take over.
I must confess that although Fouad tried hard to please me and satisfy me sexually but he wasn’t at all a fraction of Belgacem’s sex. He simply was a shadow of his father and I feel glad he had to give up. I am sure his uncle will be more like his brother Belgacem and I am hoping to have uninhibited sex and lust with him. I’ll keep you updated my love.”
Here ended my report to hubby.
I got on very well with Moha and Aycha. They are a nice couple and as Moha told me one evening they lead a married life based on mutual acceptance and tolerance. And as Libya is socially and religiously male-dominated Aycha never bothers about where her husband goes and with whom he goes.
In the meantime, my husband called me saying that I was in no hurry to return to Tunisia as long as I felt happy with Uncle Moha and his wife. I soon shared what Bengy told me with Moha and Aycha and they both expressed their pleasure at hearing the news.
After lunch Moha came to me saying that in their large garden, they have a studio for guests; it has all the facilities of a small home and is pretty comfortable in all respects. He suggested that I would use it if I wished as my home away from home. He added that he would bring me whatever Aycha cooked for me to share. He also said that he would drop by in the evening to see how I was feeling and doing.
I expressed my full gratitude to both of them and assured Uncle Moha that I’d be looking forward to his evening visits. By looking at his eyes I could tell that he reminded me of my deceased lover Belgacem and that he seemed to desire my body and adore my beauty. My power of seduction will be at work starting at this moment when he asked me to get my belongings ready and he would gladly help me to move to my new studio.
He put all my belongings in his car boot and assured me that it was just a 10-minute walk from their home. He'd rather drive me there because of my cases and he would help me settle down in my new studio.
He showed me everything in my new home and helped me arrange my things in place. was particularly happy about my king-size bed and tried it first to make sure it was comfortable. Then, just when I thought he was getting up to leave, he got off the bed and, in one movement, pulled the bedclothes back, climbed into bed, and began kissing me.
As he removed his clothes. I was so confused. I had never expected anything like this to happen, and I was apprehensive, because of his wife returning unexpectedly.
When he was stripped, he continued gently fondling and kissing me. Then he put his head between my legs and did something I had only ever dreamed about – he started sucking.
I had reeled for two days with a high fever, which was nothing to what he made me feel right then. The sensations were electric, my clit was swinging high, my whole pelvis was gyrating and I didn’t know why until he slipped inside my cunt.
It was so slow and smooth and careful; that I didn’t feel a bit uneasy. And then he started building up a rhythm, firmer, fiercer, almost brutally beyond my first gigantic climax. On, on, on; he pumped me till I thought I’d lose my breath, and when he finally discharged me, I was panting like an animal.
A few moments later, he took me to the bathroom, douched me, and popped me back to bed. There I lay for more than an hour, before his wife knocked on our door, just thinking. I cannot explain my confusion then, that afternoon and evening when I was allowed in the sitting room to watch the telly, and that night before I went to sleep. I wasn’t sure that what he had done was right, but I had enjoyed his lovemaking so much.
Mahomet’s wife, Aycha, wasn’t really shocked at seeing her husband in bed with me. Libyan males are by law polygamous and they are allowed sex with a woman for pleasure (authorized by Islam), and that was exactly how she saw her husband doing with me. Moha and Aycha made sure I had everything I needed. Aycha put my dinner and some fruit on the kitchen table and they both left.
The next morning Moha brought me breakfast. He also said he would like to screw me once again before going to work. I nodded and asked him to be comfortable the time I took my bath and changed. He sat in the armchair while I vanished into the shower cubicle.
I thought that so far I hadn’t made myself beautiful and seductive to Uncle Moha and felt that it would be my chance now to do it and thus, make Moha captive of my charm and beauty;
I chose a little black dress, slinky, low cut, and pretty damn sexy. I matched it with black high heels of shiny patent leather. My skin was well tanned and the addition of black eyeliner, dark mascara, and scarlet lip gloss all added to the effect I wanted to make. My long black hair was pulled back and tied tightly, in just the way I’d seen young models do in a beauty contest. Finally, I added a beauty spot just above my glossy lips, and a quick pout in the mirror just to make sure it looked good.
I stood back admiring myself, white, soft, intense, very Middle-Eastern in a bewilderingly sexy sort of way. The final touch was the addition of a folded-over white tee shirt, secured tightly around the waist. With that in place I stepped out of the bathroom, to find Moha looking pensively out of the window.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Moha demanded, eying me suspiciously.
“I am Mimi, your brother’s ex-mistress and Bengy’s wife,” I informed him politely, keeping my face impassive just the way a beautiful sexy wife should.
“Mimi?” he repeated, nodding sagely. “I am fascinated by your beauty, Mimi!” he added.
What he liked, as he later admitted, was that I had been dressed in black, with a white apron of sorts, and my make-up was just right.
“You, lovely Mimi! A hot-blooded wife, with dark eyes that hinted at the sensuality behind your demure demeanor,” he whispered impressively.
“This is my first day with you in Tripoli. I wish you would introduce me to your friends and acquaintances and then we both have dinner at candlelight in the city this evening,” I whispered in Moha’s ears, snatching a passionate kiss deep in his mouth.
“You are irresistible. I can’t wait to screw you here and now!” he said.
“Not now, my love. Wait till late this evening,” I begged him and stroked his hair.
- 27 Oct, 2023
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