Being Submissive: A Brief Short
Being Submissive: A Brief Short
submissive /səb-mĭs′ĭv/adjective
Inclined or willing to submit.
Inclined or ready to submit; acknowledging one's inferiority; yielding; obedient; humble.
Similar: yielding, obedient, humble. Showing a readiness to submit; expressing submission. "a submissive demeanor
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition • More at Wordnik
Being submissive I can attest to that fact of being stressed out. Plus us men are never taught to release all that stress emotionally. We’re taught to bottle it all up and keep it all inside. We have a hard time dealing with and unplugging to allow the tears out when that is called for in times of depressive stress. Then there’s my long story of coming out to myself as being submissive. It was a huge Ego Buster. Never been the same since. I actually have fallen in love with being submissive. My male rage is slowly fading along with the toxic traits I once held to. All due to the woman that I fell in love with that helped me with all of my inner emotions and stresses. I love her so dearly. I even submitted to her. All of me is changing and I like it, I need all of me to change. — Just my perspective and testimony in brief. P.S. Us men do need a little discipline of the physical type. Denial of sex is our Kryptonite we will behave fore certain.
- 8 Dec, 2023
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