So bored.
So this is my first entry, and im not sure what to talk about. So i think i will just tell you about my self. My name is Chelsey and im 18. I live with two roomates. I am a bonifide FagHag, and i love it. I am a big girl, more to love I say. I am not one of those girls that just like to meet people on the internet and hook up. As a matter of fact i don't like having one night stands, i think they are compleatly unemotional and cold. I think sex should be between people who love each other and really care for each other. Now im not saying that you shouldn't have sex till your married or anything like that, I just think you should really know a person. and i mean know them on a deeper level then remembering their name the next morning. idk i guess i just dont know how to say what i mean in words. so if this made any sense to you then sweet, if not then im sorry i wasted your time and confused you. a sincere "my bad" lol
- 7 Dec, 2008
Hi Chelsey,
I like your take on sex. Can you educate me? I don't know what you mean by faghag. I know a lot, but this is a new term to me.