Brazilian Pen Pals - New Friends in Brazil

aldopires, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Looking for:
My name is Aldo Pires. I am a 40 years old Bi sex guy from Rio de Janeiro.I know you are a straight man BUT you are looking for ANYONE to write So… I decided to be bold enough and try to get a reply from you anyway .I really don´t know what to say to make my letter stand out from the billions you may have received after your ad online. I guess being honest and myself all the way would be a better trick to follow. I am a “in-recovery” alcoholic. I have been attending “ AA meetings” on regular basis for over 5 years without a relapse. I don’t work out much. I am still very skinny compared to you .But I love body builders and body art together.The reason I decided to look for a pen pal that I am very alone at the moment . Write To : Aldo Pires.
Rua da lapa 193 / 1321 Lapa - Rio de Janeiro cep:20021-040 Rio de Janeiro Brazil

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