
Fraidesolomon, 20010321, Mosteiros, Fogo, Cape Verde

Beautiful life

"smiles of friendship is enough to strengthen",how wonderful it is to meet a friend in life, Personally friends are my happiness atimes they work as my relatives write me a letter we become great friends i have always met people online and are still my Best friends in fact just like my relatives i have met from Germany, Canada,Kenya , Israel and they are my greatest friends and i am looking for nice friends with high level of respect and make communication easy as we learn one another…

Natasherussian, 19630320, Sāqiyat-az-Zayt, Şafāqis, Tunisia

Mon mariage avec un Saoudien, mon futur mari de l'Arabie Saoudite

Je suis une Jolie epouse, seduisante et tres claude. Mon mari a l'esprit over et me permet tout. Je n'ai pas de travail fixed mais je signe des contrastavec des agencies publicitaire pour promouvoir la vente d'habits et de lingerie sexy. la mi-decembre une Agence m'a pris une photo our porte un hijab rouge et une robe noire avec mes beaux seins most en relief et bien visible La photo sera affichee sur ecran grant le long des autoroutes et pleins centre de grandes villes comme…

Natasherussian, 19630320, Sāqiyat-az-Zayt, Şafāqis, Tunisia

A meal out with my father-in-law

A meal out with my father- in-law then sexy fun in my bedroom while husband on a business tripThe father of my husband lives with his wife in a home near ours. His name is Bengy, very good-looking, virile and having an athletic body. He is in his late fifties or early sixties. Recently he would visit me for coffee when my husband leaves to work, I started to notice that his eyes have always been on my body and to fuel his desire I have picked up clothing items that show more and more of my flesh…

Fraidesolomon, 20010321, Mosteiros, Fogo, Cape Verde


How do you feel after one scamming you ? Can you imagine SCAMMER SOLVINGAccording to my deep research as a statiscian at the same time economists $2 .5billions is scammed from American and that was only around January ,2021 to June,2023 and this increasing at fast rate and I have noticed that highest percentage of scammers are of age 25yrs to 40yrs why mostly that age ? life comparing has brought most of this SCAMMING techniques as some people see their age mates succeeding in terms of assets,mo…

Natasherussian, 19630320, Sāqiyat-az-Zayt, Şafāqis, Tunisia

All Good Things Come to an End!

All good things come to an end! Voici mon histoire en Anglais. Veuillez bien la lire: "I am a sexy wife, happily marrie. My husband and I have had a traditional sex life: my husband gets an erection, I open my legs and in a matter of minutes he has his penis inside me and empties his bag inside me and Op, that's it. I never look at his penis and he never touches my breasts. That way we've had 4 kids. At one point in time, my husband showed difficulties sustaining an erection and t…

KLCJr77, 19770915, Brookhaven, Mississippi, United States

Being Submissive: A Brief Short

Being Submissive: A Brief Shortsubmissive /səb-mĭs′ĭv/adjectiveInclined or willing to submit.Inclined or ready to submit; acknowledging one's inferiority; yielding; obedient; humble.Similar: yielding, obedient, humble. Showing a readiness to submit; expressing submission. "a submissive demeanorThe American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition • More at WordnikBeing submissive I can attest to that fact of being stressed out. Plus us men are never taught to release a…

KLCJr77, 19770915, Brookhaven, Mississippi, United States

Some Thoughts One

Some Thoughts One When a singular desire becomes a paramount essential in your personal growth and maturity this is when you know that your Ego of a false self is dying and your true self is resurrecting out of the ashes of said destruction of Ego. In the act of surrender comes liberation in giving way to Submission comes freedom of the mind, heart, and soul. In a relationship submission is the greatest way and display of love, and loyalty. When the Submissive is Male his Submission is far more…

gina.oo, 20050109, Mandeville, Manchester, Jamaica


heyy guys. What falls, but never needs a bandage? 'm not a fan of spring cleaning. Let's be honest, I'm not into summer, fall, or winter cleaning either. What did the dirt say to the rain? If you keep this up, my name will be mud I ate a sock yesterday. It was very time-consuming. What kind of candy do astronauts like? What did the snail who was riding on the turtle's back say? Wheeeee!I was going to tell a time traveling joke, but you guys didn't like it.What do you cal…

Natasherussian, 19630320, Sāqiyat-az-Zayt, Şafāqis, Tunisia

Attitudes to Sports in different Cultures

The purpose of this study is to investigate attitudes toward sports held by people in a variety of cultures. You do not need to be a sports fan to complete the survey. In fact, we prefer having some respondents who spend little time watching or participating in sports. This is an academic research survey, not marketing research. Sports have become more and more prominent in many countries and have become a significant part of many economies. We are hoping to find out how people in different coun…

Rhythm, 20000801, Kampala, Central, Uganda


I think all of us deserve genuine and real people in our lives. However, if you want one, become one first. I won't tell you how to become know the kind of person you would like to have as a friend. Most of the times social media defines friendship for us but deep down within you... what kind of person would you like to have a friend. (Think about that for a minute) That is the same person you should be. Hello from this side. <:> I didn't realize that I did not say hell…