Another night no sleep, for reason's you should know , I was the only one that was there , you didn't deserve my love from the start , you were the drug that I needed back then. But with some drugs you quit.Not feeling high from you was hard at first, time went by and no thought of you was there, weeks, even months pasted thinking about all the bad you did still haunts me , but slowly the good times come back . Knowing that our love will never again be .Telling myself that's what's best , but deep down the thought of you creeps up and makes me cry, just closing my eyes and every time I do there you are. your smell, the feeling of your arms around me I sometimes feel , your soft kisses , the way you would look at me haunts me , trying to forget everything about you ,starting to come back piece by piece , not wanting it too. I still cry like it was yesterday when you walked out the door .Everyone thought you'd be back , they say we're meant to be , but there's no room for your kind of love , you didn't try ,or fight for our family we had. I'm starting to understand that wasn't the life I truly deserve , neither does our kids . My heart is taking by another , one who has always had my heart before you. My life is now complete the way God wants it to be . I'm in the arms of a man who loves me for me and he has taken your place as daddy . No tears , hurt or broken heart anymore. You were just a bump in the road that slowed my life down .I no longer live in fear , something I should have never lived .It was just something I had to learn from and not make the same mistake again. You always said it was my family but now that I look back on everything If anything my family was always there when you should have been .With every tear they were there. My life is better without you, something I have to keep telling myself and one day I won't keep telling myself it is , cause one day you will no longer haunt me . 3/17/13
- 29 Aug, 2020
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