Neu-ulm Pen Pals - New Friends in Germany

Welcome to Germany pen pals, Here is a list of women and men who recently logged in or registered at this penpals website resided in Neu-ulm of Germany. To view and chat with pen pals in Neu-ulm, please click on each profile below and send them a message. If you have not signed up yet at this penpal site then please click on Sign up button above. Once you signed up you can view all profiles completely and contact pen friends.

kindboy, Neu-Ulm, Germany
Neu-Ulm, Germany
Looking for:

Am Ousman 21 years old, Am from Sierra Leone but living in Deutschland and in a town call Neu Ulm, Im kind, honest, indeed above all sense of humanity and true friendly person
I like Soccer, Swimming and going out with friends
Am working and can speak German

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