Ellensburg Pen Pals - New Friends in United States

Welcome to United States pen pals, Here is a list of women and men who recently logged in or registered at this penpals website resided in Ellensburg of United States. To view and chat with pen pals in Ellensburg, please click on each profile below and send them a message. If you have not signed up yet at this penpal site then please click on Sign up button above. Once you signed up you can view all profiles completely and contact pen friends.

Mytheo2bear, Ellensburg, United States
Ellensburg, United States
Seeking Christian female pen pals
Looking for:

I love the Lord. I am looking to talk and connect with other believers. I love to write poetry and I love to cook. I would love to connect with someone. I work taking care of seniors so it is hectic right now with the virus going around.

LemonWitch, Ellensburg, United States
Ellensburg, United States
Welsh is so lovely
Looking for:

How do!

I'm Stacy. I'm left handed, inclined toward art and words and languages, and my mother refers to me as her "backwards child". I love horror movies, Halloween, all things spooky, and reading. I would luh--HUUUV to have some snailmail penpals, especially in Scotland and Wales, as I'm strangely fascinated with both places and hope someday soon to visit. I've spent my whole life in search of the perfect conversation, so feel free to contact me!

I have a strange sense of humor (or so I've been reassured. But that was said by other people, so what the hell do they know?), and have a weird interest in learning increasingly archaic skills-- I recently got a fountain pen and I'm teaching myself to use it. As a let handed person this attempt has been.. colorful. I am the loudest shy person you will ever meet, and my sisyer told me once that I was "awkward", but she was drunk at the time, so again, what does she know? A lot. She knows a lot.

Well this has been delightfully stream of consciousness, so enjoy, I guess?

aggamemnon, 19730111, Ellensburg, Washington, United States
Ellensburg, Washington, United States
Living situation:
With roommate(s)
Lonely for friends
About yourself:
I am a disabled vet who enjoys having many friends and learning other lives to see what we have in common. I have a 20 year old son living at home for now as he is waiting to enter job corp to be a chef. Want to know more? All you have to do is just ask.
Looking for:

I am just looking for friends to pass the time away. Friends from all over the world! Welcome soldiers, females/males, anyone to write me. I answer all letters!

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