Maysville Pen Pals - New Friends in United States

Welcome to United States pen pals, Here is a list of women and men who recently logged in or registered at this penpals website resided in Maysville of United States. To view and chat with pen pals in Maysville, please click on each profile below and send them a message. If you have not signed up yet at this penpal site then please click on Sign up button above. Once you signed up you can view all profiles completely and contact pen friends.

stephl, Maysville, United States
Maysville, United States
Hey. Looking for new friends :)
Looking for:

I’m 28. I live in Kentucky, USA. I love meeting new people and learning new things. I’m seeking friendship with different people around the world.
My hobbies include anything outdoors. I ride motorcycles. That’s probably my most favorite thing to do! I’ve been riding for about 8 years. There are tons of places I’d like to visit. Would even consider living.

ed41056, Maysville, United States
Maysville, United States
Want to hear from the country ladies.
Looking for:

Simple country guy, retired and alone most of the time except when my daughter visits. I spend my time in the winter indoors fixing up the home, in nice weather I'm outside puttering around in the garage working on something.

Chelief75, Maysville, United States
Maysville, United States
Headline? Nothing comes 2 mind just yet but i have faith
Looking for:

My own words??..r u sure about that??..well, hmmmmmm lets see...n my own words...well, I will tell u this much..I'm a child of the MOST HIGH GOD ALMIGHTY...I'm currently unemployed and live with ppl who doesn't care about anyone..with all the stuff that's been going on n these past few months, I'm really surprised that no one is dead yet...its ONLY by the grace and mercy of GOD that no one is dead yet..I had this truly amazing friend who used 2b my neighbor from back n the day and we FINALLY started talking again, but now I'm not so sure if hes really alive..if by some chance he is not, alot and I DO MEAN ALOT OF PPL are gonna have alot 2 answer 4..GOD WILL send FIRE from Heaven like no one has ever seen...certain ppl around here r just plain hateful and mean and don't care who they hurt..I can testify 2 the matter..aside from all that, I love 2 meet new ppl and hook up with old friends, I like 2 draw, paint, bowling, softball, basketball,..etc etc..its been a life long dream of mine 2 go 2 heart and soul is not only my once neighbor but ISRAEL as well...I LOVE ALL OF YOU.. I AM a true friend 2 the very end..hope 2 hear from you soon (and hopefully see)