

Hi there

Why don't you email me and we can have a chat. Lets get to know what we have in common.

obic, Toronto, Canada

music for the sick

They world needs to lean on one another.I am a gospel artiste.I have music for sale.Part of the proceeds will go to multiple scrolosis reserach and drugs for some patients.Pls go to Here, log in/reg as a customer and type in 'thank jesus' in the music search.The music is cheap and beautiful.

obic, Toronto, Canada

music for the sick

They world needs to lean on one another.I am a gospel artiste.I have music for sale.Part of the proceeds will go to multiple scrolosis reserach and drugs for some patients.Pls go to Here, log in/reg as a customer and type in 'thank jesus' in the music search.The music is cheap and beautiful.

obic, Toronto, Canada

music for the sick

They world needs to lean on one another.I am a gospel artiste.I have music for sale.Part of the proceeds will go to multiple scrolosis reserach and drugs for some patients.Pls go to Here, log in/reg as a customer and type in 'thank jesus' in the music search.The music is cheap and beautiful.


Ah the fairy world, do you hear music?

This would properly be called Cachaileith na Sith, the Fairy Door. It is a natural rock formation that has very square corners and even a lintel. The door is reputed to be the entrance to the underworld of the Daoine Sidhe. If you stand in the door at the proper times, you are supposed to hear the wild sweet music of the fairy people.


I sit beside the fire

I sit beside the fire and thinkof how the world will bewhen winter comes without a springthat I shall ever see. For still there are so many thingsthat I have never seen:in every wood in every springthere is a different green.



I am annoyed at beer the now why does it always have to foam up and spill on me? haha !!



Without friendship and feeling theworld will stop I want to make a friend with other countrypeople. And I want to know.Where is that true friend. Hi firstly , introduce myself. my name is Asgharabbasian. I was born in the year 1966 in Iran of a middle family. I finishedintermediate studies then my father persuaded me to enter in university . But Idecided that to become a free real educated .Therfore I begain to free studyabout scientific subjects .Then in 1985 I go to conscript for 28 month . Th…



Happy m0ther's day to my m0m!to my lola,to my ate,and to my m0my c0usins! G'bless you and l0ve you all!


Who am I?

I live in the most beautiful part of the west coast of Scotland, with views overlooking the Firth of Forth, looking towards Arran and Cowal.I've joined this site to meet new friends and expand my knowledge of other countries.I have a real love of learning and I'm currently doing a Learning and Development course, the course is eight months long and very heavy going. I also work full time for a local company, I'm very lucky as I love my job and work with some fantastic people.