- 19 May, 2009
I need a pen pal to discuss problems im a good listener also looking for a female married and or with kids please reply
I need a pen pal to discuss problems im a good listener also looking for a female married and or with kids please reply
I'm looking to make friends via email and or snailmail. email me if u would like to be my pal. I am NOT looking for a relationship, just a penpal.
im due in october and cant wait!! i love my fiancee and dont know what i would do with out him.
Okay, I wanna be in the fashion industry. There's this fashion school I'm really interested in, but my mom says that I'll be too far away and I probably won't make it anyway. First of all, the school is NOT that far away. Secondly, I can come see her every other weekend. Third, I have two younger sisters there, so she won't be alone!! I think she's just jealous of me b/c I'm making it somewhere and she never got the opportunity to herself. What do you think????
what do you think? hot or ugly tell me! :) † Dani †
Looking for pen friendship friends locally in the America or around the world. Drop me a word here. I will response. Just for pen pals online now. No romance here please. May go further but pen friends for now.
I am a nice woman from LA, California, usa. I am looking for nice pen pals locally and around the world for writing and friendship. May go further for a relationship...
i just registered now on this.please iam hoping in meeting some friends now, iam requesting.
im a collage student.i want to have a lot of friends around add me:annakay624@homail.comim waiting for u.. lol
So this is my first entry, and im not sure what to talk about. So i think i will just tell you about my self. My name is Chelsey and im 18. I live with two roomates. I am a bonifide FagHag, and i love it. I am a big girl, more to love I say. I am not one of those girls that just like to meet people on the internet and hook up. As a matter of fact i don't like having one night stands, i think they are compleatly unemotional and cold. I think sex should be between people who love each other a…