Owensville Pen Pals - New Friends in United States

Welcome to United States pen pals, Here is a list of women and men who recently logged in or registered at this penpals website resided in Owensville of United States. To view and chat with pen pals in Owensville, please click on each profile below and send them a message. If you have not signed up yet at this penpal site then please click on Sign up button above. Once you signed up you can view all profiles completely and contact pen friends.

Tinkerbell1469, Owensville, United States
Owensville, United States
Looking for a really good friend
Looking for:

Looking for a really good friend to get to know and talk to.

Woody672013, Owensville, United States
Owensville, United States
Looking for:

I am a 45 year old male, living in mid-Missouri. I am in a long term relationship, have older kids out of the house and one 11 year old daughter at home. My Mom lives with Us since my Dad passed away.
My relationship lacks, conversation, flirting, and lots of other things and I stay lonely for conversation daily. I love to laugh, go out of my way to make others laugh and feel special. I am looking for a female penpal and friend that is in the same boat as myself that would love to be spoiled online with emails often. I am currently working from home, so if I meet someone on here, I can write LOTS if they would like that.
I'm looking for someone that wants to talk about anything and everything, share the good times with the bad, someone that wants a friend on here where we can lift one another up and maybe look forward to getting to know each other.
I have soooooo very many hobbies and interests and I am basically an open book, so anyone can feel free to ask me anything they might want too.
I am a hopeless romantic and tend to wear my heart on my sleeve but that doesn't get me anywhere at home, ha ( long story)
I am truly hoping that some nice, caring, funny, thoughtful lonely woman finds my add and likes it enough to write to me to be my new great friend and penpal !

hoping to hear from someone,

Woody :)

woody67, Owensville, United States
Owensville, United States
Looking for:

Just your average joe america here, always honest, never judge others, funny, currently a stay at home dad, that lvoes to cook, loves to cleans, is a hopeless romantic, loves to read, is into photography, fishing & camping, anything to do with nature, even loves crafts and romance and mystery books. Am in a long term relationship, but the gf isnt a talker, and I never shut up it seems. lol SInce the gf doesnt mind me having female friends and penpals, I thought I would try to get back into penpalling. Im hoping to meet someone that has some or all of the same interests as i do. I love watching movies, and have a very eclectic taste in music.

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